Phone: 2022855752
The Houston, Texas 2016 NPC, is scheduled for Saturday, October 8- Sunday, October 10, 2016. Please add this event to your calendar.

Attached is a PowerPoint Presentation as well as the same presentation in PDF format on the subject of, “How to pursue administrative and/or disciplinary action against that abusive supervisor of postmaster”. This was a topic of discussion at the recent National Presidents’ Conference and I was asked to forward this information to that organization. Mike Gallagher
Download: Dealing with Abusive Supervisors (1).ppt , DEALING WITH ABUSIVE SUPERVISORS.pdf , Action Against That Abusive Supervisor.pdf
Hey everyone, we have extended the agenda item cute off period time Monday, October 3rd at 12PM. This is because only a few people have forwarded items. We do have a great day of training, but also need agenda items to discuss during the conference. Does this mean there's nothing we need to share with each other? Nothing we can learn or want to learn about from each other.
The negotiated rates for the hotel deadline is today as well as the agenda items to be included in the conference handouts ends at 5pm today. Please be sure to address either matter ASAP. See you all soon!!! Email agenda items  to Chuck Pugar, Chairperson at
FRIENDLY REMINDER: State and Local Presidents (or their designees) are encouraged to submit agenda items for discussions and debates during the Conference on Sunday and Monday. Agenda items are categorized by Constitutional issues; Internal APWU issues; (legislative, national political) Collective Bargaining issues; National Negotiation issues and others.
PLEASE BEGIN FORWARDING YOUR AGENDA ITEMS  AT THIS TIME State and Local Presidents (or their designees) are encouraged to submit agenda items for discussions and debates during the Conference on Sunday and Monday.
Saturday October 8, 2016 - Houston Texas 9:00 AM -11:15 AM - - There will be an open forum for new and experienced  presidents. The intended purpose is not only to answer questions but to garner topics of particular importance to us all in our leadership roles. This is the first session of its type and interest and issues-raised will set the stage for continued efforts.
The Houston, Texas APWU National President's Conference negotiated hotel rates cut-off date has been extended. The new cut-off date is September 30, 2016. If you have not made your reservations you still have time. For other information on the hotel, etc, feel free to peruse this area of the website. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Subject: Ground Transportation- Houston NPC Conference  Please see the attachment providing information on ground transportation from Airports to the Hotel and driving directions into Houston. Host Local- Gary Glazebrook President APWU Houston Area Local 185 102 W. Tidwell Houston, Texas 77022 Tel. (713)691-4818 Fax.
Download: Houston Ground Transportation (NPC).pdf
The host local has provided us with a colorful flyer to display some of the great reasons to join us in Houston, Texas for the Presidents Conference from October 8-10, 2016. This may be the first President Conference after the contract is settled as well as the last one for the year. Please contact the local president:  Gary Glazebrook, President APWU Houston Area Local 185 Tel.
Download: APWU Houston -NPC Reservation Info 2016.pdf
The Houston, Texas 2016 NPC, is scheduled for Saturday, October 8- Sunday, October 10, 2016. Please add this event to your calendar.

Page Last Updated: Oct 12, 2016 (11:28:00)
Contact Info
National Presidents' Conference
PO Box 87341-7341
Fayetteville, NC 28304

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